MVP for a Security as a Service platform



Ironfort is a platform for managing all security operations across networks, endpoints, identity, applications, and the cloud. It uses machine learning capabilities to run autonomous high-fidelity detections and investigations to increase cybersecurity resilience.


User persona, research, MoSCoW, wireframing, visual design, prototyping


Abhishek Kumar | Product Designer
Ajay Kappa | Product Manager
2 Engineers


Nov 2021 - Feb 2022

Overview of the final design

Multi-tenancy to support multiple workspaces

The storyline in the detailed view of the detected threats to surface “real” threats only

Layout to enable Zendesk support service for ticket creation

Simplified visual representation of the onboarded product map


Cybersecurity is a key requirement for all companies with the increasing digitization of businesses and the infrastructure the businesses operate in. How might we enable security operations and management easy and effective at a reasonable cost for small and mid-sized enterprises.


Understanding the business

We kicked off the interview with a comprehensive understanding of their business, their targeted users, competitors, and their goals for the future.

Insights from the stakeholder interview

1.The visual design should reflect the brand color, that is, red and logo.
2.Our target demographic audience was North America.


Identifying user goals and pain points

A user interview consisting of 10 of our targeted audience was set up by the Ironfort product team. I conducted the user interview and made user personas based on it.

User personas for small (left) and mid-sized (right) companies

In order to achieve the desired goals which Ironfort wanted to achieve, these value propositions were added:
1.Subscription plan - Allow users to choose between a 30-day free trial and plans.
2.Threat intelligence - Provide an insightful view of dynamic, real-time visualizations of cyber attacks.


Subscription plan

How might I design a seamless experience for selecting a plan and gain trust of our users. There is never much information provided about the service plan, it's pricing, and features said one of the interviewees. So, I started mapping all the features and made low-fidelity wireframes.

Low fidelity wireframe consisting of all the features

Final solution

Creating a visible hierarchy: Users should be able to clearly identify the savings of the subscription plan, the selling plan options, and the terms and conditions.
Disclose information progressively and logically: Users should have a sense of progression in subscription selection. Adapt the information shown in the user flow to communicate subscriptions clearly and concisely.
Provide a seamless integration: The subscription's UI should be integrated into Ironfort’s brand theme.


Threat intelligence

How might I provide seamless monitoring & triaging of cyber threats. I conducted a design workshop with Ironfort’s analysts and engineers with prior product knowledge. This gave us diverse & comprehensive perspectives as we charted out a plan for the Security tab.

Snapshot of our Figjam design workshop

For MVP, we ideated concepts under each of the below categories to lay down the foundation of the Security tab.

Final solution

Effective ways to visualize complex data sets and processes make the new experience more interactive and intuitive.
User-centric information hierarchy for better navigation.


Style Guide

To keep the design consistent, I created a style guide to be used across the web application.

Style guide for the design

Learning and key takeaways

Free trial plans are appealing to people: People change their behavioral patterns and are more willing to comply when something free comes along. It’s a powerful emotional trigger. Free things are considered to have a higher value because the risk of dissatisfaction and the value of money is eliminated.
Emphasize value over cost: Instead of focusing on what the customers are spending, show them what value they are earning. In the current context, bringing more focus to the benefits (gasoline savings, environmental advantages) would help people associate charging with an even more positive experience.
Use framing and anchoring effect: The way information is presented affects how users interpret and decide. It's best to frame selecting a subscription experience around the core value of the product, or else you risk wasting users' attention.